71 Irish Traditionals für Querflöte, Blockflöte und Tinwhistle
Herausgeber: Patrick Steinbach
54 Seiten / DIN A 4 / inkl. CD
ISBN 978-1-84761-240-3
2011 Schott-Verlag / London
EURO 14,99
Irish music is able to engage people like no other type of music, and has the power to evoke a wealth of images, feeling and longing with just a few notes. It is no coincidence that the title song of the box-office hit ‚Titanic‘ is a simple Irish flute melody wich, with just a few notes, encapsulates the many emotions of the film. It can move something deep inside us, reaching far beyond our personal experiences with a genuiness that makes you respond automatically when you hear it. The vitality and joy of the musicians and the spirit of the community music-making moves us. If you have ever experienced a good, traditional session in an Irish Pub, the scene will be conjured up once more after hearing just a few notes. You don´t have to necessarily be aware of the fact that this music belongs to an aural tradition unbroken over many centuries to enjoy the spontaneity, wit and humor of Irish Sessions. It is no shortcomming that many of these musicians cannot read music. On the contrary, it is an enormous advantage as the non-readers usually have an impeccable ear and are extremely responsive to the playing of their fellow musicians. Many classicaly trained musicians could learn a lot from this.
01 | The Foggy Dew | Blockflöte[audio:The-foggy-dew-flute.mp3|autostart=no]
02 | Drops of Brandy | Querflöte[audio:Drops-of-brandy-flute.mp3|autostart=no]
03 | Tripping up the Stairs | Tinwhistle[audio:Tripping-up-the-stairs-flut.mp3|autostart=no]